Alexandra Tolentino
12 jun 2020
Cover Reveal & Excerpt Reveal - Miller's Time by Ahren Sanders
Look at how gorgeous is the cover of Miller's Time by Ahren Sanders! Don't forget to add it to your #TBR Title: Miller's Time (Southern...

Alexandra Tolentino
8 jun 2020
Cover Reveal - Revolution by Dr. Rebecca Sharp (KB Worlds)
Look at how SEXY is the cover of Revolution by Dr. Rebecca Sharp which is a hot and angsty enemies-to-lovers romance written in K....

Alexandra Tolentino
3 jun 2020
Release Blitz + Review - Prince of Hearts (Verona Legacy, #1) by L A Cotton
Prince of Hearts, the first book in L A Cotton's angsty mafia romance duet about star-crossed lovers and forbidden love, is now live!!!...

Alexandra Tolentino
2 jun 2020
Nuova Pubblicazione - Un Amore Virtuale di Tracie Podger
Ciao bookworms, oggi abbiamo una raccomandazione per un libro che è piena di emozioni, un commovente viaggio della realtà con un forte...

Alexandra Tolentino
30 may 2020
Cover Reveal - Kiss Me in the Dark (Anthology)
Today we are pleased to share with you the cover of Kiss Me in the Dark (Anthology). Tittle: KISS ME IN THE DARK ANTHOLOGY (A Taste of...

Alexandra Tolentino
29 may 2020
Review - Something Like Hate by Claudia Burgoa
Today I have a very special book recommendation: Something Like Hate by Claudia Burgoa. This book is more than a simply romantic comedy...

Alexandra Tolentino
27 may 2020
Cover Reveal - The Rivals by Vi Keeland
Look at how perfect and elegat is the cover of The Rivals by Vi Keeland! Don't forget to add it to your #TBR Title: The Rivals Author: Vi...

Alexandra Tolentino
26 may 2020
Release Blitz + Giveaway - Queen Move by Kennedy Ryan
Queen Move, an all-new powerful and moving, not-to-be-missed second chance romance from RITA® Award-winning and Wall Street Journal...

Patricia Hinojosa
25 may 2020
Release Blitz + Giveaway - Absolution by Autumn Grey
Title: Absolution Series: Grace Trilogy #3 Author: Autumn Grey Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance Release Date: May 25, 2020 BLURB We...

Alexandra Tolentino
7 may 2020
Cover Reveal - Intrigued by Love by Sienna Snow
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