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Living Out Loud by Staci Hart

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Living Out Loud, an all-new emotional standalone from Staci Hart is LIVE!

Author: Staci Hart 

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Publishing Date: January 31th


Bestselling author Staci Hart brings you another installment of the Austen Series, inspired by the works of Jane Austen, with a heartfelt contemporary retelling of Sense and Sensibility.

When Annie Daschle arrives in New York City, the only thing she can control is her list.

Not her father’s death or the loss of her home. Not the hole in her heart or the defective valve that’s dictated so much of her life. But she can put pen to paper to make a list of all the ways she can live out loud, just like her dad would have wanted.

See the city from the top of the Empire State Building: Check.

Eat hot dogs on the steps of The Met: Check.

Get a job at Wasted Words: Check.

What wasn’t on her list: Greg Brandon. And just when she thinks she’s figured out where to put him, everything changes. In the span of a few staggering heartbeats, she finds herself her caught in the middle of something she can’t find her way out of, with no clear answers and no rules.

List or no list, she realizes she can’t control anything at all, not even her heart.

Not the decisions it makes, and not the moment it stops.

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 Cinq douce étoiles ! Préparez-vous pour un voyage émotionnel en compagnie de l'un des couples de livres les plus doux. “I will never know greater fortune than having you for my own. Not as long as I live.” Saintes licornes douces! Ce livre avait mon cœur qui battait comme un fou parce que toutes les émotions douces que je ressentais en le lisant. Living Out Loud is a sweet, heartwarming and super emotional reading. My heart is still warm because all the emotions I felt while reading it. From the first chapters I was captivated with the story. This is the first time I read something from Staci Hart and I am not disappointed of her writing. She is able to make you feel a rollercoaster of emotions through written words that warm your heart and soul. I felt like floating over soft cotton. I spend a exceptional time. It was a magical experience that I want to repeat. The plot is as sweet as honey. The characters are amazing and well build. Annie is a sweet young girl and Greg is a handsome, friendly and charming man. Both have stolen a piece of my heart, especially Annie. She is how young girls should always be: innocent, full of live and full of dreams. Her condition just made her more human. She has a beautiful soul. She and Greg felt so real that their story quite intimidated me. After reading so many books over the month Living Out Loud left me full of beautiful feelings. Staci Hart delivers a realistic and excellent book. I have a feeling that each book of her is like the sun: warm and bright. Ce livre est plein de sentiments qui réchaufferont votre coeur pendant que le soleil réchauffe la terre. The deep emotions are still lingering inside me. It is really nice to read books like this. The main characters were so strong and emotionally connected that I felt overwhelmed. This is a clear example of how Romance books need to be written. The world needs more books like this. Annie taught me a great lesson. If you work hard, your dreams come true. There is nothing impossible if you have faith. Also love and hope can conquer everything. Life is not easy but you have to keep going. She is so alive that every first experience makes her perfect. She is unique and Greg will discover every sweet spot in her heart. “I want this first to be ours, just as I want the rest of my firsts to be ours. I know… I know that I’m young, and even though I don’t know much about love, I know what it is at its very center. Love gives itself without condition or expectation simply because it must. Love is devotion, and I find myself devoted to you, body and soul. I love you. As little as I know, that is the thing I am most certain of.” Greg just increased my expectations about men. He only wanted the happiness of the girl he loves. He wasn't selfish as many others. Annie changed his world and he will do everything in his hands to keep her happy, no matter if he has to let her go. There is not a sweeter couple than Annie and Greg. They redefine the meaning of Friends-to-Lovers-Romance. This book is perfect for those readers who long for a sweet and refreshing romance, for something real and emotional. 


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Wasted Words

About the Author

Staci has been a lot of things up to this point in her life -- a graphic designer, an entrepreneur, a seamstress, a clothing and handbag designer, a waitress. Can't forget that. She's also been a mom, with three little girls who are sure to grow up to break a number of hearts. She's been a wife, though she's certainly not the cleanest, or the best cook. She's also super, duper fun at a party, especially if she's been drinking whiskey.

From roots in Houston to a seven year stint in Southern California, Staci and her family ended up settling somewhere in between and equally north, in Denver. They are new enough that snow is still magical. When she's not writing, she's reading, sleeping, gaming, or designing graphics.

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