Today we have the Blog Tour for Escort, a sexy new contemporary romance standalone from New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren. Check out the tour and grab your copy today!
Title: Escort
Author: Skye Warren
Publication Date: March 20th, 2018 Genre: Contemporary Romance

There is no shame in pleasure. And no love in business.
I have a blind date tonight, and I know with 100% certainty that I'm getting lucky. There shouldn't be any surprises, not for one as jaded as me, but when I walk into the penthouse suite of L'Etoile, everything changes.
1) For one thing, Bea is heartstoppingly gorgeous. Pale green eyes and endless freckles. Curves I want to spend all night exploring, as if her body was made for me.
2) Her innocence makes me want to use my entire inventory of bedroom tricks on her and then invent a few more.
3) Except that . . . she’s a virgin.
I can initiate her into the world of desire without letting her get attached, can't I? A few hours of tutoring, and at the end of the night a small fortune will be deposited into my bank account.
Yes, you read that right. There are many words for what I do. After all, mine is the oldest profession. I'm an escort, which means this date is nothing more than a mutually enjoyable transaction.
But once I realize one night with her won’t be enough, I’m the one who's screwed.
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Five soulful stars! This book is a sexy and sensual experience that will leave you over the moon.

Mon Dieux! Escort by Skye Warren is a soulful chef-d’œuvre. This book left me wanting more and more. I am speechless. Skye Warren has done it again. She delivered an intense, mind-blowing and all consuming book. This book is completely narrated by the male character. It is a big delight to be inside of a man’s mind, to expose his darkest and dirty secrets, to expose his soul and heart. I highly enjoy Hugo’s mind. I wonder who inspired Skye to create such a wonderful male character. She has created a strong man with a soft heart and a fierce soul.
Hugo Bellmont represents perfectly the man of my dreams. His Marrakesh accent plus his French heritage make him perfect. I can picture him with an irresistible smile on his face and a smooth and bronze skin. Hugo isn’t only a pretty face and a sinful body made for women’s pleasure. He has a broken soul and he survived the best way he could. Selling his body was the easy exit to achieve his revenge. His past made him the man he is now. He is not the little boy who could not protect his mother. He is an avenging angel fallen from grace.
Being a high paid escort was easy. He shared his body but not his heart, until he meets the little virgin who paid him to take her virginity. How can he taint her purity with his impure body? He gives pleasure to his clients. He gives them his body nevertheless his heart and soul remain untouched. Beatrix is going to challenge him. She will cherish him in a way he’s never been. Bea doesn’t see him as a piece of meat. She really sees him as the man he is.
When two broken souls love, they love in the strongest way possible because they’ve already known loss and they cherish every moment like is the last one. Bea and Hugo are two broken souls. Watching them falling in love is beautiful. He sells his body and she is a rich girl trapped in a tower. Both are from different worlds. Taking Bea’s virginity will seal Hugo’s fate. He will teach her the pleasure of the flesh, they way between a man and a woman. She will remind him that he has a heart. A heart he thought was a hole in his chest. Bea will make him feel alive.
Bea will not only give her body to Hugo, she will give him her soul too. She will be his saviour, the pure angel he didn’t know he needs to reborn. Her passion for her music awakes something primal inside him. Hugo will seduce her with his body. He will cherish the little princess. He will care for her. Something he hasn’t done in a long time.
This book is beautifully written. Skye Warren amazes me every time she publishes a book. Her writing is addictive and magisterial. She never disappoints her readers. Escort is a masterpiece that deserves millions of stars. The plot is unique and well developed. The characters, as always, are complex. Everything about this book screams perfection. There are not enough words to describe how much I love this book. This is the kind of book that will leave you breathless. She is the Queen of Dark Romance but this time she delivered a magnificent romance book. The storyline is devastatingly beautiful.
I highly recommend you this book. Let Skye Warren’s writing hypnotize you and make you feel like you are living a sensual dream. Be prepare for steamy scenes and hot encounters that will make you blush like a virgin. There is not greater pleasure than reading books written by Skye Warren.

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The word seems to take her aback. “Pleasure?”
“That’s the nature of my business, yes.” My body tightens, because it would be pleasure indeed to touch this woman. To kiss her. To make her moan for me.
Although I might have to rethink that plan, because the word pleasure might as well have been medieval torture based on the way Bea looks at me. “I thought we were going to have sex.”
She sounds so forlorn it could break my heart.
Instead I laugh, a small huff of breath, because I can’t afford to have a heart.
“Sex,” I say, standing to full height, circling the scuffed oriental coffee table, standing behind her chair. “And pleasure. Pleasure and sex. They’re interchangeable.”
I brush my knuckles over the side of her neck, a demonstration. Her wild curls tickle my skin.
It’s provocative, this. If she had agreed to dinner I would have started with small touches, a glance of my palm against the small of her back as I pulled out her chair, holding her hand while we talked over a glass of wine. Perhaps being so bold as to run a finger along the inside of hers, where it’s more sensitive. She would shiver; her gaze would meet mine.
There’s an order to these things. You can move fast or slow, but there’s still an order.
“We can skip the pleasure part,” she says, her voice high, her breathing faster. Her chest rises and falls in the black dress, made all the more alluring by how much it covers. She’s a mystery. The black sky in the city. I have to work to see her secrets.
“No,” I chide gently. “We focus on the pleasure. That’s the point.”
“What if—” Her breath catches as I drop the back of my hand over her collarbone, a reverse caress. That’s what one does for a skittish creature like her. “What if I have a different point?”
“And what point would that be, my sweet Bea?”
“I want to lose my virginity,” she says, so fast it comes out as a single word.
IWANTTOLOSEMYVIRGINITY. It takes my lust-warmed brain a full minute to comprehend. She’s not only nervous, this woman. She’s a virgin.
My hand freezes. I yank it away. “Pardon me?”
I can’t have heard her correctly. There is no chance in hell that this beautiful young woman, as strange and interesting as she is, is a virgin. No chance in hell that I was the one tasked to be her first. I could not possibly spread her legs and thrust inside her, knowing that no one’s ever been there. It would be a physical impossibility. Never. No possible way.
“It doesn’t have to take long,” she says, suddenly earnest. Almost begging me. “I don’t need…you know…whatever you do for other women. I only want the sex.”
My God. “You are insane.”
A scrunch of her nose. “Well, you don’t have to sound too surprised. It is what I requested when I called. The woman said that’s what you do.”
“I’m not taking your virginity.” On some level I might have guessed this about her. If I had considered it even possible, I might have. Virgins don’t hire me. They stammer and giggle and turn away from me, their protective instincts strong enough to send them in the opposite direction. So perhaps I can be forgiven for not recognizing this one, so forthright.
Bea frowns. “Is that a different department or something?”
She’s mocking me. She’s mocking me for being, well, prudish, and I feel strangely buoyant. I could float away with the absurdity of it. “Yes, it’s a different department. The department of a frat boy who fumbles around in the dark.”
“Are you seriously not going to do it?”
The irony is enough to flatten me, that this is a woman I might have pursued outside this job. She would have been too young for me, even if I weren’t an escort and she wasn’t my client. That wouldn’t have stopped me from wanting her.
But in another incarnation, if I had been one of those fumbling frat boys, I would have followed this woman to the ends of the earth. That’s a hypothetical scenario on multiple levels, but I’m good at hypotheticals, which is another reason I’m good at my job.
So good that I please every single client I’ve ever had.

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