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Cheeky Royal by Nana Malone is LIVE!
Title: Cheeky Royal
Series: Royals Undercover #1
Author: Nana Malone
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 2, 2018

All they want is everything they can’t have. Penny… Yes, yes, I've heard the rumors. The prince is royal, and cocky and has a—well never mind about all that. The problem is, he's also my job. When the King called on me to retrieve the wayward prince, I was ready to walk away. Then I caught my boyfriend cheating—and suddenly leaving never felt like a better idea. Sebastian… I never wanted the throne. When I left behind my gilded cage of a palace, it all sounded so simple: find my long-lost brother & make him the prince so I don't have to rule the kingdom like my father expects. Then I meet my new neighbor, and quickly realize I’ve found the queen of my heart—and bed. Just one problem, I can’t let her find out who I really am.
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Cinq étoiles royales. Ce livre est définitivement parfait pour les lecteurs qui recherchent la romance légère, amusante et angoissante. Holy cow! Cheeky Royal by Nana Malone is absolutely-freaking-awesome! Wow! I'm speechless! There are not enough words to describe how much I love this book. Everything screams perfection: from the beginning to the end. It is a masterpiece brilliantly written. Nana Malone is amazingly talented. Her pen is too versatile. She can write a book of any genre and I will read it because her talent never disappoints me. She can write her to-do-list and I will read it (lol). The pace is fast. The plot is smoothly refreshing. This book reminds me so much of the Princess Diaries movies but in this case there is a Prince instead of a Princess. I am a fan of Royal Romances and this book has all the elements that made me enjoy it gratefully. This book is priceless. It worth every minute I spent reading it. Books like this made me feel incredibly lost in the depth of the story. There is something unique about this book that left me wanting more. It is like a drug: too intense and extremely addictive. Nana Malone delivers a pretty and tempting book. Her characters are strong and well developed. She has gifted us one of the cockiest Princes. Sebastian is not only a handsome face with a sinful body. He is clever and too talented: not only in bed but also with his camera. His entire life has been easy but his responsibilities have increased since he is the “only” eligible Royal to take over the throne in case the King, his father, dies. He is temptation personified. Every woman wants a piece of him because being with him means that they could become a Princess. Sebastian is the re-definition of a Charming Prince. Bad girls, like me, need a tempting Pince who knows how to please a woman. And Sebastian is the perfect candidate. The heroine of this book is perfect. She is fierce and independent. She is not a damsel in distress. She can kick anybody's ass because of her training. To be part of the Royal Guard is in her blood but her true dream is the art. Feeling like she doesn't belong to the Royal Guard she will accept to protect Sebastian and bring him back home to prove her father her value, to prove herself she is capable of doing her job because she wants her father to be proud of her. Len and Sebastian have to many things in common. They are a match made in heaven but they came from different worlds. He is a Royal. She is a Commoner. Sebastian wants to be free from his duty. His happiness is not in the throne. There is only one exit and he will take it as soon as possible. As Sebastian, Len also wants to be free to do what she really wants. She was sent to protect the Prince and she forgot to protect her heart from falling for an impossible. Sebastian and Len’s worlds don't mix. Len should have kept her distance but the attraction was explosive. Falling into the temptation was easy and the consequences were dammed until the lies bite them. This book can sound a little cliché but it doesn't. The story line is refreshing and all-consuming. It has funny moments that will make you laugh. It has angsty moments that will have you at the edge of your sit. It is completely overwhelming. This book is definitely perfect for those readers who crave light, funny and angsty romance. I highly recommend you this book. I can't wait to read the following book in the series. The end of this book left me with a big “o” on my mouth. Five stars are not enough for this book. It deserves billions. Let Sebastian conquer your mind and heart. Be prepared for a stunning story that will have you drooling over a cheeky Prince worth of your heart.

Also Available!
Cheeky Prince – the FREE prequel!

Coming Soon!
#2 Cheeky King – Releasing April 30, 2018

About the Author

USA Today Bestselling Author, NANA MALONE’s love of all things romance and adventure started with a tattered romantic suspense she borrowed from her cousin on a sultry summer afternoon in Ghana at a precocious thirteen. She’s been in love with kick butt heroines ever since. With her overactive imagination, and channeling her inner Buffy, it was only a matter a time before she started creating her own characters. Waiting for her chance at a job as a ninja assassin, Nana, meantime works out her drama, passion and sass with fictional characters every bit as sassy and kick butt as she thinks she is. The books in her series have been on multiple Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble best seller lists as well as the iTunes Breakout Books list and most notably the USA Today Bestseller list. Until that ninja job comes through, you’ll find Nana working hard on additional books for her series as well as other fun, sassy romances for characters that won’t leave her alone. And if she’s not working or hiding in the closet reading, she’s acting out scenes for her husband, daughter and puppy in sunny San Diego. Want to hit me up? Just email me: nana@nanamaloneromance.com
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