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Release Blitz + Review + Giveaway - Weather the Storm by LK Farlow

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Weather the Storm by LK Farlow is LIVE!

Title: Weather the Storm

A Southern Roots Standalone

Author: LK Farlow

Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance

Release Date: April 26th, 2018


Magnolia Ellington is all too aware that dangerous things can come in shiny packages. Her husband made sure to teach her that.

Desperate to escape his wrath—and his fists—she flees in the dark of night. Seeking safety and shelter with the only family she has left, Magnolia finds herself in the sleepy, Southern town of Dogwood—and in the arms of Simon McAllister.

Simon has always been more of a thinker than a doer. That changes the minute he meets shy and mysterious Magnolia. She has him rushing into action, ready and willing to do whatever it takes to earn her trust.

Slowly, with his steadfast determination and kind heart, Simon brings Magnolia out of her shell. But just as things start heating up between the two of them, the darkness of Magnolia’s past resurfaces, threatening to rip apart everything they’ve worked so hard for.

With their future hanging in the balance, Simon fears he’s losing Magnolia. Now, he must convince her that, together, they can weather the storm.

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Oh. My. Stars! Weather the Storm by LK Farlow is a roll coaster of emotions. I'm drained and literally with a big knot in my throat! This book had too much to offer. It is thoughtfully written.

I shall confess that this is the first time I read a book of her and let me tell you something. It would've been nice if someone would've warned me that I was going to need a box of tissues because between the pages of this book is a heartbreaking story that made my heart ache.

The plot is original and the characters are complex and singular. The heroine has a broken soul. The hero is a fixer. Simon is just the right man to fix broken Magnolia. She endured a life of violence no woman deserves. She allowed a man who she loved to hurt her in the worst ways possible. Let me tell you something: A man who hit a woman deserves to be castrated. Simple as that!

Simon captured my heart. He saved Magnolia. He protected her as if he always meant to do it. He and Magnolia are good for each other. No one and nothing can separate them. Not even the devil itself.

The pace is fast and the story line is brilliantly developed. This book is an emotional masterpiece wrapped in a stunning cover. Each page was a torture for my soul. Each word was a bittersweet symphony. Each chapter made me crave a HEA!

LK Farlow gifted us a strong hero and a broken heroine. She pictured perfectly the fear and anxiety a hurt woman lives after leaving her own hell. Magnolia was weak. Simon showed her kindness and love. He put her broken pieces back together. His soul completes hers.

I strongly recommend you this book. It is an intense journey of redemption, second chances, healing, trust, hope and love.


Five healing stars! This book made my heart ache. Each word was a bittersweet symphony.


I jolt awake, momentarily disoriented by the rhythmic beeping coming from my right. Beep. Beep. Beep. Again and again, the sound causes my temples to throb. Even though my eyes are still pinched closed, I know this is not my room, and I am not in my bed. Without warning, the events that led me here flash through my mind: hitting Simon’s truck and the subsequent ambulance ride. I remember the CT scan, and being given pain medication. I must have fallen asleep shortly after that.

I inhale deeply, trying to get my bearings, and cringe at the smell of antiseptic hanging in the air. God, I hate hospitals.

Slowly, I try to blink my eyes open, only to immediately close them again. Whimpering at the brightness of the room, I sink farther into the small, firm mattress before steeling my resolve to try again.

I peel one lid open and hold it, adjusting, before peeling the other open as well. “So bright,” I whine to myself, squinting up at the light above me. My head feels like an entire drumline has taken it as their practice space; the thrumming and pounding is incessant.

With all the strength I can muster, I roll my head to face the far wall of the small hospital room, only to startle at the sight of the most gorgeous man I’ve ever laid eyes on sleeping in the chair in the corner, his light-brown hair messy, his chiseled jaw covered in stubble. “S-Simon?” I whisper, more to myself than to him.

All the same, he jolts like someone took a live wire to his skin. “You’re up?” He lunges from the chair toward me, gently taking my hand in his, scanning my body before bringing his deep-blue eyes to mine. “Are you—fuck, you have no idea how happy I am to see those baby-blue eyes right now. Let me call for your doctor.”

He starts to withdraw his hand from mine, and I let out the most pathetic whimper, halting him. “Don’t go,” I beg.

“Not going anywhere. Just gonna hit the call button,” he assures me, leaving me feeling foolish, even though that wasn’t his intention.

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Coming Up Roses – 99c for a limited time

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An Uphill Battle

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About the Author

LK Farlow (A.K.A Kate) is a small town girl with a love for words. She’s been writing stories and poems for as long she can remember. A Southern girl through and through, Kate resides in beautiful, sunny LA—that’s Lower Alabama, y’all—with her amazing husband and three wonderful children. When she’s not writing, you can find her snuggled up on the couch watching nature documentaries while she crochets or with her nose in a book. All Kate really wants in this life is her family happy, strong coffee, a good book and more Happily Ever After’s.

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