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Release Blitz + Review - Celebrity by Sienna Snow

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Control the scandal, control the race.

CELEBRITY by Sienna Snow is LIVE!

Tittle: Celebrity

Author: Sienna Snow

Series: Politics of Love, #1

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Publishing Date: May 24th, 2018


I’m Samina Kumar.

Celebrity attorney, disinherited daughter of a technology billionaire, and the former dirty secret of a federal judge with conservative ties.

I never wanted to be famous. I prefer life out of the spotlight.

Now, thanks to my new client, I am surrounded by the media, and my face is on the cover of every magazine.

To top it off, the man who kept me hidden and shattered my heart is determined to get me back, and nothing will stop him.

What does a girl do when she’s had enough of others dictating her life?

She takes back control.

I have a new plan for the future, one that will use my newfound fame to lead me to Washington D.C. and the halls of Congress.

I am Samina Kumar. Candidate for Senate and CELEBRITY.

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About the Author

Indian-American author Sienna Snow is a supermom writer with two Bachelor’s degrees and two Masters under her belt.

Her trilogy of romantic fiction aims to shatter the stereotypes associated with weak female characters pervasive in romantic and erotic fiction today. Inspired by her years working in corporate America as a management consultant, Sienna has created a narrative around strong, successful business women who know what they want and exactly how to get it – without the need to seek support and praise from their male counterparts.

In fact, the heroines in her books are billionaires, but this time with female characters taking the lead role. The trilogy starts with Rule Breaker (Release November 1, 2016 by Hachette Group’s Forever Yours imprint).

From diverse backgrounds, the heroines are smart, well-educated women who choose to find love through atypical circumstances. Sienna has taken the stereotypical billionaire story and spun it on its head.

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