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Release Blitz + Review - The Sinister Silhouette by Alex Grayson

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After seven long years, it's time for answers...

The Sinister Silhouette by Alex Grayson is FINALLY LIVE!!

Tittle: The Sinister Silhouette

Author: Alex Grayson

Genre: Dark Romance / Romantic Suspense

Publishing Date: May 25th, 2018



She whispers my name at night, filling my dreams with her haunting beauty.

Her tormented amber eyes beg me for something I don’t understand, and her agonizing pain becomes my own.

For years, she’s come to me, calling my name.

For years, I’ve never known who she was.

Until now….

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For hell sake! Alex Grayson is not only the princess of Dark Romance; she is also the queen of the Romantic Suspense genre. The Sinister Silhouette is a massive masterpiece. It is wonderfully dark, gritty, nail-biting read! Shipwreck to the heart, puts your soul to heels, while a thunderstorm hits your emotions. No one writes a suspenseful book like Alex Grayson! Her books always have me at the edge of my sit. I can’t imagine a greater pleasure than reading her books. They always remind me why books are better than any movie. It is amazing how she catches you in her web of delightful suspense, the kind of suspense that gives you goosebumps. It is simply perfect! I can’t describe all the feelings and emotions I experienced while reading this book. It took me a while to figure out what to write for this review because there aren’t enough words to describe how much I loved and enjoyed this book. It gave me everything and more. I’m obsessed with this book and the strong and damaged characters. The pace of this book moves quickly and will keep you on the edge of your seat. “Evil twin” will have another meaning to you after reading this book. Jules and Luca’s story left me speechless. Lucas is just my type of hero. He is immensely protective (just a diplomatic way to say possessive lol), sinful and hot AF! His dreams are hunted by a woman he has never seen before. He feels her pain and torment. He is attracted to her but is she real or just a dream? Jules will turn upside down his world. She is forbidden but the attraction is lethal. How can you care so much for someone you don't know? Someone sinister is stalking in the darkness. Its weapon are the pain and the lies. Jules is a beautiful and strong heroine. She plunged into the depths of darkness. A monster hurt her. She lost everything. An evil silhouette tormentes her. She is alone altough she will feel safe in the arms of the man that supposed hurt her. Remembering will be painful but her soul needs to be free from all the pain and misery. The storyline will fulfil every one of your bookish needs: it is full of twists, sizzling chemistry, intriguing mystery that just give you the feels from beginning to end. The narrative will pull you into a web of mystery filled with a lot of surprises that will take your breath away. I couldn’t put it back until I was done with it. The story between the pages of this book played with my mind. Trust me when I say that you NEED this book in your life. Five stars are not enough to rate this masterpiece. It deserves millions. The best read of 2018 so far! Alex Grayson never disappoints me. Each book of her is better than the last. Her writing is clean and intense and my own kind of drug.


Five gritty stars! It is dark, dangerous, suspenseful, delicious and oh so good! It will shake your being from top to bottom.

About the Author

Alex Grayson is the bestselling author of heart pounding, emotionally gripping contemporary romance including The Jaded Series, The Consumed Series, and two standalone novels. Her passion for books was reignited by a gift from her sister-in-law intended to distract Alex and help her pass the time while her husband was away for work. After spending several years as a devoted reader and blogger, Alex decided to write and independently publish her first novel in 2014 (an endeavor that took a little longer than expected). The rest, as they say, is history. Originally a southern girl, Alex now lives in Ohio with her husband, two children, two cats and dog. She loves the color blue, homemade lasagna, casually browsing real estate, and interacting with her readers. Visit her website,, or find her on social media!

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