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Realease Blitz + Review - Sin by M. Malone and Nana Malone

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Sin by M. Malone and Nana Malone is NOW LIVE!

Title: Sin

Series: Sin Duet #1

Authors: M. Malone and Nana Malone

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: May 29th, 2018


I’m a bodyguard. I walk softly and carry a big...stick.

Too bad I have no idea how to use it.

I know what you’re thinking. How the hell do you end up a virgin when you live in a city known for easy access?

But my focus is protecting the women of New York...not fulfilling my every desire.

Then I meet her.

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For Tea Time sake! M. Malone and Nana Malone delivered a phenomenal and sinful book. Those ladies are incredibly talented and together are dangerously perfect. Their writing is witty and quite resourceful. They created the most tormented, sweet, possessive and virginal British man! I always have a soft spot for British alpha men and I wonder how in heaven am I suppose to recover from this book. It left my with a big book hangover!

After reading the prequel Before Sin I was too intrigued and suspicious. I wanted to discover more about Matthias because he seemed like my kind of British hero! He doesn’t show you his true colours. He hides his feelings pretty well and it was only a matter of time before I lost my mind over him.

Sin is the kind of book that makes you forget about real world. I was hooked from the first pages. It is an intensive and provocative book you must read. It is dangerously addictive and you will feel like your knickers might incinerate just from the heat in each page because this is a hot read ladies!

The plot is sizzling and it will wrap you like a hot and spicy burrito. You will be caught in a web of secrets, lust and lies. It has all the elements that make this a MUST READ! The pacing is fast and the characters are wonderful.

Matthias and Gemma have many things in common. They had a raw past and ghosts that are going to hunt them. They shared many things and have a lot in common. Life separated them but fate is giving them a second chance. The chemistry between them is explosive and it will put them in a new territory. They will experience new and forbidden feelings that will burn them. Seduction, sex, lust will morph them into something very different; two souls with one beating heart.

I loved that Gemma is a badass heroine. She is not a princess that needs saving. She can save herself quite well. She never gave her heart just like Matthias. She was saved and raised by another badass woman. She is feisty, courageous and brave. She also has a big heart. She is a survivor and a protector. She already has a mission but meeting Matthias will change radically the course of it. Will she sacrifice herself? Lies and omissions could danger the feelings that have already been in her heart. Those feelings morphed into something more powerful and will consume her soul.

People said that you never forget your first love and Matthias and Gemma proved it. Their story is strong, rough and sharp. They were damaged. They fought and survived. Things will be messy and too steamy!

I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone looking for a great read. Read the book so you can add Matthias to your list of Book Boyfriends.


Five British stars! I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone looking for a great read. Read the book so you can add Matthias to your list of Book Boyfriends.

Also Available!

Before Sin – the FREE prequel!

Coming Soon!

#Sinful– Releasing June 19th, 2018

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About the Authors

NYT & USA Today bestselling author M. Malone lives in the Washington, DC metro area with her husband and their two sons. She holds a master’s degree in Business from a prestigious college that would no doubt be scandalized by how she’s using her expensive education.

Independently published, she has sold more than 1/2 million ebooks in her two series, THE ALEXANDERS and BLUE-COLLAR BILLIONAIRES. Since starting her indie journey in 2011 with the runaway bestselling novella “Teasing Trent,” her work has appeared on the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists more than a dozen times.

She’s now a full-time writer and spends 99.8% of her time in her pajamas.

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USA Today Bestselling Author, NANA MALONE’s love of all things romance and adventure started with a tattered romantic suspense she borrowed from her cousin on a sultry summer afternoon in Ghana at a precocious thirteen. She’s been in love with kick butt heroines ever since. With her overactive imagination, and channeling her inner Buffy, it was only a matter a time before she started creating her own characters. Waiting for her chance at a job as a ninja assassin, Nana, meantime works out her drama, passion and sass with fictional characters every bit as sassy and kick butt as she thinks she is. The books in her series have been on multiple Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble best seller lists as well as the iTunes Breakout Books list and most notably the USA Today Bestseller list. Until that ninja job comes through, you’ll find Nana working hard on additional books for her series as well as other fun, sassy romances for characters that won’t leave her alone. And if she’s not working or hiding in the closet reading, she’s acting out scenes for her husband, daughter and puppy in sunny San Diego. Want to hit me up? Just email me:

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