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Husband Material by Raine Miller is LIVE!
Tittle: Husband Material
Author: Raine Miller
Series: Left in the Altar Series (Collaboration)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publishing Date: August 19th, 2018

She left me the week before our wedding. Said I wasn't "husband material." Actually, I'd have to agree with my ex on that matter...because I'm just better off alone. But everything changed for me the day I met a mysterious beauty sketching on the beach. Giselle… We had one magical night together...and then she was gone—a free-spirited angel who flitted away with the dawn. I searched until I found her again. And now I can't let her go...because I might just be husband material after all. *Husband Material is the third book in the LEFT AT THE ALTAR series in a collaboration of six New York Times Bestselling Authors: J. S. Scott, Ruth Cardello, Raine Miller, Sawyer Bennett, M. Malone, and Melody Anne.
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If any could write sweet and pretty romances is a talented lady called Raine Miller, her writing is not only elegant but sweet and oh so lovely! I’ve never hesitated to recommend her books because they worth its weight in gold. And dear Lord she always delivers refreshing romances with too much passion and sensuality.
C'est la romance à son meilleur. Je l'ai adoré, c'était une histoire rapide, douce et amusante. Une lecture parfait pour l'été! Je l'ai dévoré et j'aurais aimé en avoir plus. J'adorais Gage et Giselle. C'est une histoire romantique et poétique. Raine a écrit un livre sexy fantastique. J'ai vraiment apprécié la lecture de cette incroyable histoire au rythme effréné avec de superbes personnages principaux - j'ai juste adoré la chimie incroyable - et des surprises inattendues.
Husband Material is a beautiful romance that smells like summer and sea. It is warm like sunlight and it warmed my heart like the sun warms the earth. The story in this novella tastes like a dream come true for a man unfit for love until he bumped into a French fairy at the beach. The plot is light-hearted, sweet, fun and well developed. Have I mentioned that this is also an emotional voyage of discovery? The story is pretty and exquisite and it leaves you wanting more and more.
The chemistry between Cage and Giselle is intense and new for both of them. Cage who was catalogued as “not husband material” by his ex- fiancée was left with a weird feeling of being unfit for love. Even though he does not care that love is not for him, it's sad to see him. We all deserve love. Fortunately this will change thanks to an ange française. Giselle will turn upside down his world in a deep way. In some way they will save each other from their past experiences. Things happen quickly. Their story started like a playful affair and turned into something deep and beautiful. And the loveless knight will open up to his fée française, the only woman who has enchanted his slippery heart.
Raine fait un travail magistral en adaptant beaucoup de contenu à cette nouvelle. J'aimais voir Gage et Giselle ensemble, le sentiment confortable qu'ils avaient l'un avec l'autre même s'ils ne savaient vraiment rien de l'autre. Et surtout, le changement que Gage a subi en pensant qu'il n'était pas du tout un mari, ou qu'il voulait désespérément passer sa vie avec Giselle. Les moments sexy étaient si sexy!
From the beginning there was a strong connection that pulled Cage to Giselle. There will be a tug inside their hearts that will make them believe in love, something that was denied for both of them. Gage quickly becomes husband material. Cage and Giselle’s journey is a story of avoidance, fate and realization. Soyez fidèle à vous-même, suivez votre cœur.
Without hesitation I recommend you this novella that will captivate you with a histoire douce, sexy AF alpha man and sweet heroine.

Cinq étoiles françaises! Une lecture parfait pour l'été!

About the Author

Raine Miller I a New York Times – USA Today – Wall Street Journal bestselling author who likes to write romantic stories pretty much every chance she gets. She has a handsome husband, two amazing sons, and two very bouncy Italian greyhounds to keep her busy the rest of the time. Her boys know she likes to write stories, but gratefully have never asked to read any. Thank God!
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