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Blog Tour + Review - Liar by Stephanie St. Klaire

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Today we are celebrating the release of LIAR by Stephanie St. Klaire! This is a Faux-mance novel you will not want to put down! You can purchase it now for only $2.99 or read it for FREE in KindleUnlimited!

Tittle: Liar

Author: Stephanie St. Klaire

Publishing Date: October 11th, 2018


Fake it until you make it. That was the mantra Cori Dash chanted as she chased a big city dream. The more you tell people you’re on top of the world, the more they believe it – just like they believed the embellished image she sold them with her knock off designer facade. It wasn’t lying if the truth stood somewhere in the middle – and she didn’t get caught. Dominic Blackthorne owned half of that big city…and a reputation. Rather than dispel rumors or show the world the real Nick, he let his own fake image run free. Until Cori Dash – the only person who told him exactly how it was, even if it stung. When Cori is faced with her ex-fiance, now engaged to her ex-best friend, it’s game on. In her boldest move yet, she concocts her biggest lie to date by introducing the first handsome stranger that walks by as her new fiancé. Happy to play the part, Nick is already planning the fake wedding of her dreams. You know what they say about lying – the truth always comes out – and it hurts. Especially when Cori finds out she isn’t the biggest Liar in this game, and she’s been out played.

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Holy Batman! I haven’t read such a hilarious and funny book like Liar in a long, long time. I love everything about it. The fast pacing, the refreshing plot, the well developed story and wonderful characters. Seriously, the BEST story. I enjoyed Cori and Nick’s story like a little girl with a new doll. Liar tastes like unicorns and rainbows. It is a super entertaining and stunning book wrapped in a coquette cover. In other words, this book is a mischievous oeuvre d’art! I fell so hard for Liar, and I know you will too.

I have to confess that this is the first time I read something written by Stephanie St. Klaire and, she totally blew my mind with her flawless and brilliant writing. It is intense. It is sexy. It is packed with so much fun and all the feels. It is everything and more.

I'm still overwhelmed by how beautiful the story of Cori and Nick was written. It was written in such a way that captivated me right from the beginning. It kept me turning pages! Liar is an absolutely epic story. Words are not enough for how much I immensely enjoyed this book. It is a hilarious ride I want to repeat!

Cori and Nick’s chemistry is so intense and palpable. Their connection was instant despite the sweet lie that surrounded their start. A lie turned into a game that will end up in broken hearts and new beginnings. Will something that started with a lie last?

Nick is the ultimate book boyfriend. He is bossy, passionate funny and sexy AF. There is something about him that makes you fall instantly in love with him. He is rich and he has some spoiled tendencies, however, his money doesn’t not impress Cori. She intrigues him because of her genuine and refreshing self. She is awesomely different.

I liked Cori so much. She is intelligent, sassy, loyal and professional. Her loving life was a total mess after her ex-fiancé cheated on her with her best friend. Because of her she had to lie. And because of that lie she will meet a hot stranger. She never thought that a small lie will turn into something more. Nick, aka the hot stranger, will play easily the game she started. However, when does lying feel good since?

This book is all the reasons I love reading romantic comedies. The funny romantic in me fell hard for this book, and I am not sure I will stop gushing about it any time soon. This book should be on every romance reader's TBR list who loves romantic comedies.


Five full stars! This book is a hilarious ride you will want to repeat!

About the Author

Stephanie St. Klaire is a Pacific Northwest native currently living in Portland, Oregon with her husband, five children, and two ferocious lap dogs that are used to the finer things in life like sleeping all day. When she isn’t writing, she can usually be found with a plate full of taco’s, a side of bean dip, and probably some gummy bears while being a little bit hippy and a lot bit busy mom’ing and wife’ing.

When she’s not tossing around gritty crime show inspired serial killers and diabolical bad guys, she likes to make people pee their pants a little with a good romcom. Sometimes, her worlds collide, and she writes really funny stuff right before she kills people off on the pages! She loves murder and mayhem as much as a good laugh and HEA! That’s why she’s a die-hard Hallmark junky but loves her gritty crime shows – balance!

Stephanie has always been a story teller, with the gift of “gab”, and a life-long goal to be a writer. Unfortunate circumstances with her health, finally afforded her the time to do so. Irony at its best, she began writing her first novel at an adverse time, to escape her circumstance and explore the stories in her imagination for relief. She is happy to share those stories with her readers, and bring a little fun, entertainment, and of course smexy characters to the pages.

Follow Stephanie St. Klaire on Social media to learn more about her, how often she really eats taco’s, and to keep up with her work.

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