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Release Blitz + Review - Bastard Prince by Nana Malone

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Bastard Prince by Nana Malone is available now!

Title: Bastard Prince

Series: Royals Undone #2

Author: Nana Malone

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: September 04th, 2018


I'll never stop fighting for matter the stakes.


A year ago I found out I was a long lost prince. But with one lie, that’s all been undone.

But prince or pauper, I’m not going to stop fighting for Bryna. She may be the only thing I can count on right now.


I never meant to get in so deep with my royal roommate—but in my defense I didn't know.

If anyone else finds out his royal status my mother will meddle faster than you can say gold digger. More importantly, Lucas’s life could be in danger.

Because I’m not the only one with secrets.

And there’s a lot more at stake than heartbreak.

NOTE: This is a sequel - you must have read Royal Bastard to understand Bastard Prince!

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For love’s sake! Nana Malone has ruined me badly. How am I supposed to recover after reading such a Royal masterpiece as Bastard Prince? I was intensely hooked from the first page to the last one. After reading Royal Bastard Lucas won my heart and I couldn’t wait to read the following book in the duet. I was too desperate because I knew it will be unforgettable and worth of my time. Nana’s writing is explosive, mind-bending and highly addictive. Her talent is incredible. There is something magical in her writing that catches you and moves your world in a unique and special way.

Bastard Prince is a mischievous chef-d'Å“uvre that has the right amount of suspense, drama, sizzling love and smoking hot lust. The pacing is fast and the plot caries on with intriguing storytelling and ardent love developed in the Royal World. The originality is printed in the pages of this book. The narrative holds the reader breathless, we hold our breath wondering how all this will end ... And at the same time, we do not want the story to end because the characters are unforgettable.

Who does not want a bad boy with a noble heart?

Lucas is our boy ladies! Because it is a delight to watch a bad boy falls in love because they tend to fall really hard. When they met their equal it is like the fireworks of July 4th; intense and steamy. Lucas is a whole new royal too cheeky and hot. He will turn upside down the conventional.

In Royal Bastard he went from being a conman to a bastard Prince but that will change in this book. He will go from being a bastard Prince to a pauper. He will be on the verge of losing what he had wanted so much; the family he never had and the love of a strong and independent woman. His world is about to collapse, but before it falls; he will do everything in his power to give a spoonful of its own medicine to anyone who threatens to take what he cares and loves. His cunning and charisma are lethal weapons that will help him conquer his demons.

Sacrificing his love will make him fight hard since at the end of the path, a strong and independent woman is waiting for him. Lucas claimed he is not a good man but he has a big heart. He is loyal and his protectiveness level makes him incredibly hot.

And for a strong and complex man like Lucas, there is a sassy and independent woman like Bryna. She is exactly the type of heroine that can fight her own battles. Her kind soul won Lucas’s heart. Walking away from him is not an option. No matter that he left her like a thief in the dark. From the beginning he warned her but her heart was not longer hers. The flourished love between them was deeper and it doesn’t just stop. He owned her as she owned him.

You will find a thrilling, engaging and so captivating story between the pages of this book. Let yourself be surprised by this story that has nothing in common and that could surprise you in the best way possible. I undoubtedly recommend you this book.

Bryna and Lucas’s story is a slow burn romance that made me want to stay wrapped in their world forever. Twists, betrayal, suspense, conspiracy, love, hot scenes, fears ... There is everything in this book.


Five crowned stars! This book is heavenly & awesome. It is a sinful knockout!

Also Available!

Royal Bastard

(Book 1, Royals Undone)



Don’t get in trouble, they said. Don’t cause an incident. Oops.

I might be a newfound prince, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to say goodbye to my days of freedom. So when my brother, the king, asks me to babysit a diplomat’s daughter, my first thought is to say no… that is until I see her climbing out of a window with her dress tucked into her thong.

She might just be my kind of girl.

I just thought I'd mix business with pleasure...I didn’t plan to lose control of my heart.


I’ve been groomed by my parents to climb the social ladder all my life and I’m done with it. I want nothing from their royal world.

Now that I’m finally on my own, I can live where I want, date who I want, do who I want.

The one person I won’t be doing? My new accidental roommate.

Oh, he’s gorgeous and mysterious, and cheeky. He’s also friends with the king and a total jackass.

So basically, he’s never gonna get it...famous last words.

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About the Author

USA Today Bestselling Author, NANA MALONE’s love of all things romance and adventure started with a tattered romantic suspense she borrowed from her cousin on a sultry summer afternoon in Ghana at a precocious thirteen. She’s been in love with kick butt heroines ever since. With her overactive imagination, and channeling her inner Buffy, it was only a matter a time before she started creating her own characters. Waiting for her chance at a job as a ninja assassin, Nana, meantime works out her drama, passion and sass with fictional characters every bit as sassy and kick butt as she thinks she is. The books in her series have been on multiple Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble best seller lists as well as the iTunes Breakout Books list and most notably the USA Today Bestseller list. Until that ninja job comes through, you’ll find Nana working hard on additional books for her series as well as other fun, sassy romances for characters that won’t leave her alone. And if she’s not working or hiding in the closet reading, she’s acting out scenes for her husband, daughter and puppy in sunny San Diego. Want to hit me up? Just email me:

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