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Look at how beautiful is the Cover of 364 Days a Year by Sarah Riad!
Tittle: 364 Days a Year
Author: Sarah Riad
Publishing Date: October 17th, 2018

For most people,
March 29th is just another day.
For me, it’s the day I wake as someone new.
A different face and different hands,
a body that’s not my own.
And like every year, I’m only certain of three things.
It’s my seventeenth birthday.
I have no way of stopping this cycle.
And I’ll die again in 364 days.
This year, I’m Effy Garcia.
Something is different.
Something I can’t yet place.
Since the year 1909,
I have lived in 108 bodies and I have died 108 times.
Could this life be my last?
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About the Author

Young Adult author, Sarah Riad, recently published her debut novel, The Sharp Knife of a Short Life - a beautiful, heart-wrenching story about a young girl faced with a terminal illness and her journey with Death. Sarah is currently writing her latest novel, 364 Days a Year.
When she’s not writing, Sarah works as a Legal PA in London whilst studying Psychology.
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