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Blog Tour + Review - This Ain't Love by AJ Love

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Today we are honoured to be a part of the Blog Tour of This Ain't Love by AJ Love. Check out the Tour and grab your copy NOW!

Tittle: This Ain't Love

(book #1 in the Harry Dukes Series)

Author: AJ Love

Genre: College Romance/RomCom

Publishing Date: February 14th, 2019


Blake Riley has a crush that needs to be ripped out of her.

Then buried.

Then set on fire.

And she needs it to happen yesterday.

Cameron Jackson doesn’t care about crushes.

Or that the girl he wants to bang is doing everything she can to fend him off.

He wants to hook up.

And he wants it to happen everyday.

She’s one girl.

Stuck in a house with five guys.

Like the opening credits of a 90’s porno.

Only not.

The porno would be better.

So much better.

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About the Author

AJ Love has been writing since she was a little girl, never leaving the house without a notebook. As a corporate stooge and single mother, she spends all of her free time reading, writing and drinking too much coffee (wine). AJ has a strong passion for the literary world and before writing her book, spent all of her time reviewing others. She also enjoys talking with all that read her book(s), her philosophy being that readers and authors are all part of the same world - a world where they are all enthusiastic about words.

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